Ken Saunders
Gina Saunders
Since 1995 Ken Saunders Gallery has exhibited the most important and innovative artists working with glass in the world. Ken Saunders has been an enthusiastic and vigorous advocate for the Studio Glass Movement and his commitment to documenting every show the gallery mounts has lead to an archive of exhibition catalogues that traces the movement’s evolution.
In addition, the gallery has mounted a program of video-taped interviews, entitled ROLL, Reflections of Living Legends, with leading artists working with glass including Rick Beck, Jose Chardiet, Dante Marioni, Stephen Powell, Richard Ritter, David Schwarz, Paul Stankard, Lino Tagliapietra and Bertil Vallien
The gallery also promotes and supports new artists working in the medium and mounts two important surveys each year; one featuring the best student work from University Programs across the Midwest and the second featuring new and young artists from around the world that are just beginning their professional careers. With these endeavors the gallery seeks to foster a new generation of creative makers that will continue to expand the boundaries of sculpture and glass working.
After 20 years in River North the gallery has relocated to Chicago’s West Town neighborhood, the city’s newest arts district.